P90/PS90 White Ring Sight Fix
The price is $39.95 shipped.
For all of you that want a usable Sight and don’t want to spend $400.00 to $600.00 to replace the White Ring Sight - THIS IS YOUR ANSWER!
The Reticule Enhancement Module T Bar 3 (REM T3) fixes the problem that is inherent in the White Ghost Ring Sight of the P90/PS90 Weapons System. We all know in certain low light conditions or when aiming at bright or light colored backgrounds, the Ring Sight looses its sight picture. When that happens just turn on the REM T3 and you will get a sharp T bar sight picture.
The REM T3 Illuminates the T bar of the Ring Sight via a colored LED that sits in the rear light collector well. The LED color only comes in RED. The LED housing is made of a hard plastic that is sized to create a tight friction fit. There is no need to use tape or glue. Just push it down into the light collector well and it stays put. The LED housing was designed to sit low in the well so it will not interfere with the FOV.
The REM T3 has 11 illumination settings so the T bar can be seen outdoors in daylight on its brightest setting (even against snow or white backgrounds) or in total darkness on its lowest setting. The REM T3 does not interfere with the Tritium illumination of the Ring Sight.
The REM T3 fits in the sling well just under the Ring Sight. It is ambidextrous so it can be mounted on the left or right side of the rifle.
The REM T3 uses one CR2032 3 volt battery (included.) The battery life is 168 to 390 hours of continuous use depending on the LED color.
The REM T3 has a 1 YEAR Warranty. I will replace it if it fails due to a manufacturing problem. (I will have to examine it first to make sure there wasn't some other factor that caused the failure). You just pay for the shipping ($5.00). If after 1 year a manufacturing problem should occur... contact me and I will see what I can do for you.
The REM T3 comes with a 30 day money back guarantee. If you are dissatisfied with it, please send it back to me and I will give you a full refund (minus shipping costs.)
The price is $39.95 shipped.
I take checks, Money Orders or I can do Pay Pal. My Pay Pal acct. is [email protected]
Go to http://www.m1bullpup.com" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false; to pay by Visa, Mastercard or Discover
PM me or e-mail me at [email protected]
Include your full name and address and LED color choice so I can put you on the order list.


Normal View out window

With REM T3 turned on