Discuss the FN Handgun lineup; the High Power, FNP, and FNX line.
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Post by NOLACenturion » 02 Mar 2024, 08:13

I've been reading some posts in other forums and articles written about the FN 57 as an EDC. Some are advocates of the FN as an EDC citing the upsides and of course, there are many who criticize the FN as a legitimate carry option.
I'm not a gunsmith or even a gun head and most folks on this forum are technically more informed than I. What I do know, is something about carrying a handgun on one's person both professionally and personally. And by professionally I mean I carry as part of my living. As an active duty major city urban LEO for nearly 48 years ( and not a desk jockey) I've been carrying a sidearm on and off duty for the better part of half a century. I'll briefly summarize my observations and opinions to anyone interested.
There are admittedly occasions where keeping my armed condition covert was either highly desirable or absolutely necessary . On those occasions, my selection of sidearm was impacted by the restrictions imposed by my employer coupled with how well I could conceal it. But absent those instances, I carry what I feel will best serve my purpose. Which is protecting my bacon and/or those with me.
For years I carried a.38 revolver (Colt or SW snubbie). Today I occasionally my SW model 327 which is a .357 8 shot scandium/titanium 2 inch bbl revolver. While I have and can carry any one of a variety of 9mms, I get great comfort from knowing I have 8 rounds of utterly reliable. 357s ( plus another speedloader) on tap in a relatively light comfortable package.
More often, when I'm not on the clock and required to carry a 9mm, I opt for the FN. And it's for all the reasons you all already know.
It's got a nice long sight picture and points well with that long barrel.
It's relatively light
It's high capacity
The 5.7 rounds are quite effective ( using SS198LF)
The recoil is minimal
It's extremely reliable
The downside is it's a bit large.
I don't really care. I generally don't match my gun to my outfit ( other than what I mentioned earlier) I match my outfit to my gun.
I carry a big gun. I wear something that can more or less cover it. I'm not looking to fool the world, just to the casual observer. A trained or experienced person might likely notice it. I don't care. I carry the best defensive weapon I can and wear something appropriate. Priorities. I'm not overly concerned with fashion, since if I find myself in need of that sidearm and lose, I can be be buried in that stylish outfit.
When I started out in LE, the bad folks carried poor quality or stolen guns of better quality.
Today the average miscreant is carrying extended mag Glocks with full auto sears and similarly equipped AKs or ARs. It's adufferent world out there.
My advice?
Carry the best, biggest, highest capacity sidearm you can reliably operate accurately and cover it with something. Cost should be largely irrelevant. The extra few hundred bucks is negligible compared to the cost of a funeral or protracted hospital stay.
Carry the best for you. I've been in firefights. A lot of the details gunheads obsess over are irrelevant in an instant firefight. Carry what you feel confident you can draw and fire accurately and as many times as necessary. I never go without at least one extra mag or speedloader. I've needed both in firefights.
Two last thoughts.
One, like the Boars Head meat ad says, " Compromise Elsewhere"
And like Boy Scouts said,
" Be Prepared"
Just my dos centavos.

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Re: FN USG for EDC

Post by panzermk2 » 02 Mar 2024, 14:44

Nice and I agree, honestly the FsN foot print is no larger than a 1911 and that was what I had carried for decades before switching to the FsN as a daily carry.
Jay Wolf
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Re: FN USG for EDC

Post by panzermk2 » 02 Mar 2024, 14:44

And welcome to the forum!
Jay Wolf
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Re: FN USG for EDC

Post by NOLACenturion » 03 Mar 2024, 07:03

Thanks and I agree. I carried a Browning HI Power which is a brick by comparison (weight). The 5.7 IMHO is a great option

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Re: FN USG for EDC

Post by panzermk2 » 03 Mar 2024, 08:43

Fun fact, when I don't carry my FsN, Say to a fancy social events I carry a custom Hi Power I built myself in a fully engraved El Paso Saddlery shoulder rig.




Jay Wolf
Pr. Elite Ammunition

"Engineers, the oompa-loompas of science!"

Be'ein Tachbulot Yipol Am Veteshua Berov Yoetz

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