Enjoyed watching that just as much as the first time and the last five times. Had to keep watching it. Great gun! But I'm sure that video is the only way I'll ever see one. Thanks for reposting it.
A member over on my yahoo-Saiga board had a nice Saiga done by these guys. They also have a nice name like some folks around here. Here is a 410 they do. Kind of cute.
In my many years I have come to a conclusion that one useless man is a shame, two is a law firm, and three or more is a congress.
- John Adams
ynoty3k wrote:abatis, what ever coding or scripting they're using on that site makes my firefox crash.
Probably something Java, and sucky. Just saying though...
My site is just a yahoo Saiga site, the link is to the http://www.elitefirearms.net/index.html" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;. I have no connection with them. Also my Firefox works fine with their site maybe you need a Firfox or Java upgrade?
In my many years I have come to a conclusion that one useless man is a shame, two is a law firm, and three or more is a congress.
- John Adams
I've shot several AK's, just dont particuarly care for them. I certainly respect what they have become, an extremely durable weapon and one that rarely jams, is easy to mass manufacture, and has 30-cal lethality to it. But as far as accuracy and ergonomics, I dont care for them, nor do I care for most any russian gun. It just has that gray, dreary, clunky communist feel to it.
ynoty3k wrote:abatis, what ever coding or scripting they're using on that site makes my firefox crash.
Probably something Java, and sucky. Just saying though...
My site is just a yahoo Saiga site, the link is to the http://www.elitefirearms.net/index.html" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;. I have no connection with them. Also my Firefox works fine with their site maybe you need a Firfox or Java upgrade?
I use Firefox but I can only access the home page.
Rapier1772 wrote:Didn't feel like making a new thread for this so zombified an old one.
I want one of these (preferably in 10ga):
You a 10g fan too? We go out to my buddies farm about 9 times a year to shoot clays and I shoot one all day. No one else wants to shoot more trhan one or 2 shells with it. I dont get it. It does not kick that much worse than a 12. I think I put about 130 rounds through it on last months trip. fun times.
You are stronger than I am, Mike; I definitely would not prefer to shoot over 100 rounds of 10ga!
Never attribute to malice that which can be explained by stupidity.
The shooter will always matter more than the gear ever will.
Stop relying on others to do the work for you.
Shoot more, worry less.
Hey everyone, has anybody seen this type of shotgun ammo? http://www.ammunitiontogo.com/product_i ... gauge-slug" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false; I thought for a minute it was the frag 12 mentioned in the future weapons (AA-12) episode but it is not obviously. :laugh: Anyways, I have never seen this type of ammo before. Has anybody used this before or has any feedback on it? :ponder: