Any actual decent ammunition out there yet?

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Small Arms Collector
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Any actual decent ammunition out there yet?

Post by Small Arms Collector » 24 Oct 2023, 16:17

I am interested in getting a pistol in 5.7 but I hesitate because there does not seem to be any actual decent self defense ammo on the market. The stuff that I can find are all weak sauce varmint loads with ballistics very close to .22 Magnum, in fact it’s basically just a center fire .22 Magnum as far as I’m concerned, given the current offerings. What I want is something that closely mimics the ballistics of SS190. Actually what I really want IS SS190, but as I refuse to pay $10 a round I have to find something else, but I an NOT willing to compromise on effectiveness, not even a little. Is there anything out there that will work for me? Note that I am concerned with performance with and without body armor. A great performing round in bare gelatin is crap to me if it can’t duplicate that performance after passing through 3A armor, likewise, a round that zips through 3A armor but just leaves ice pick like wounds in bare gelatin does not interest me either. So are there any rounds on the market that meet my criteria?

For reference I currently carry a 9mm with +p 68 grain Underwood Xtreme defender, which DOES meet my criteria, I am only looking to switch to 5.7 to increase capacity, I am not willing to significantly reduce performance though, I expect a reduced wound channel since it is only a 5.7mm projectile vs 9mm, but that is the only compromise in performance that I am willing to make. I require the ballistic performance to either duplicate or exceed SS190, or to closely match my current 9mm load. No varmint shit.

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Re: Any actual decent ammunition out there yet?

Post by panzermk2 » 25 Oct 2023, 13:38

OK, welcome to the club.

SS190 sucks for carry as it's only a FMJ. I punches nice holes but does little tissue damage.

My ammo, Elite Ammuntion, T6B is the best armor and body destryoing ammo on the market and has been for well over a decade.

See here,
Elite Ammunition 3rd Party Tests Playlist ... TV64
Jay Wolf
Pr. Elite Ammunition

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Re: Any actual decent ammunition out there yet?

Post by Buffman » 26 Oct 2023, 08:21

SS190's design trumps any 5.7 design civilian wise for IIIA penetration because of the SS109 penetrator. Only metallic IIIA panels will stop it. However it's soft tissue performance is poor. 10" max typically..

This is where EA's T6B shines. It's long, it's light, it's fast, and it's pointy. It will penetrate most soft IIIA panels, and only becomes an issue when rigid PE is introduced. It has much deeper penetration than SS190 in gel. Typically 14-18" depending on barrier.

Black Dragon Fang is another contender but it's a little shorter overall so the tumble wound cavity is not going to be as big as T6B. Both loads in my testing have "acceptable" accuracy at 25yards from the pistol.

Small Arms Collector
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Re: Any actual decent ammunition out there yet?

Post by Small Arms Collector » 30 Oct 2023, 16:22

Thank you, I had never heard of T6B, but I like what I see, I don't like the price (YIKES! $3+ a round!), just filling my 3 mags once would cost about half the price of the pistol! But at least it is a place to start. What I noticed though is that the reported muzzle velocities exceed 2,000 feet per second, is that correct? And if so, could that be enough to create hydrostatic shock?

Are there any similar performing rounds to T6B at a more reasonable price?

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Re: Any actual decent ammunition out there yet?

Post by Buffman » 31 Oct 2023, 18:18

T6B will hit over 2300-2400 fps in the pistol. At distances of under 50 yards, IMO that's enough to help impart rifle like wounding on soft tissue.

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